農藥一路發20282  (2007/10/29)        主編: 方麗萍  

主題:   全球稻米生產與日俱減


全球頂3稻米專家之一指出, 自由貿易、飲食習慣改變, 加上快速都市化, 正導



Free trade, changing diets, and rapid urbanization is leading to a decline in rice production,

one of the worlds leading experts on the crop said.


菲律賓國際稻米研究所(IRRI)前經濟學者何山指出, 隨著許多產米大國加入農業

生產自由貿易, 他們或許會發現愈來愈難讓生產者對種稻保持興趣.


As prosperous rice-growing countries move toward free trade in agricultural production,

they may increasingly find it difficult to sustain producers interest in rice farming, said

Mahabub Hossain, a former economist at the Philippines-based International Rice

Research Institute.


他指出, 由於亞洲與拉丁美洲中等與高所得國家快速都市化, 且國民平均所得增

, 民眾飲食多元化, 中國、馬來西亞與泰國等稻米需求成長趨緩.


He said global rice demand growth has slowed as rapid urbanization and rising per capita

income in middle and high-income countries in Asia and Latin  America prompt people

to diversify their diets, while population control has reduced population growth rates in

rice-eating China, Malaysia and Thailand.


不過他說, 移民快速湧向都市地區, 導致西非、非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南與南美洲等

地居飲食改變, 『低收入戶因為貧窮改善, 而增加稻米消耗量』, 可以彌補少許.


However, he said this may be offset by increased consumption due to poverty reduction

among low-in come households in such areas as West Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and

South America, where rapid migration to urban areas has led to changes in diets.


(法新社,  聯合晚報2007.10.24)  

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