農藥一路發20239  (2006/01/03)        主編: 方麗萍  

主題:  基因作物的得與失


孟山都公司10年前向各全球引進基改作物時, 這項生物科技進展形同宣佈新時

代到來, 有助減少全球飢荒、改善環境, 並鼓舞辛苦耕作的農民.


When Monsanto introduced the world to genetically modified crops a decade ago, the

biotech advancement was heralded as the dawn of a new era that could reduce world

hunger, help the environment and bolster struggling farmers.


而今, 基改豆類、棉花、玉米各菜籽油已成孟山都公司的獲利因子. 這些獲利主

要歸功美國人的廣泛接受度, 作物經過基改後可以抵抗除草劑和昆蟲, 並增加產



Now, biotech beans, cotton, corn and canola are profit-drivers at Monsanto. The gains

are largely due to a broad U.S. acceptance of crops that have been genetically altered

to withstand weed killers and insects, and generate higher yields.


但就在生秒科技產業歡慶10周年之際, 當初對於基改作物開出的支票仍有大部

分尚未兌現, 而且許多國家擔心基改作物對人類健康和環境具有潛在危險, 因而



But as the industry celebrates its 10th anniversary, the early promises of biotech crops

remain largely unrealized, and many countries have banned the technology amid

concerns about potential danger for human health and the environment.


美國穀類食品巨人『家樂』公司上月宣布, 將開始使用孟山都的基改黃豆所提煉

的低亞麻酸油, 來製作餅乾、薄脆餅乾和其他食品.


Last month, cereal giant Kellogg announced it would start using a low linolenic oil

derived only from Monsanto’s biotech soybean in its biscuits, crackers and other food



但不到兩星期後, 卡夫食品公司宣布停止供應中國大陸基改食品和添加劑.


But less than two weeks later, Kraft Food said it would stop supplying all genetically

engineered food products, including additives, to China.


(聯合晚報 路透 2006.1.2)


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