
農藥一路發電子報 - 姊妹報: 沁情168


■ 農藥一路發 @沁情故事之85

主編: 方麗萍

主題: 草書之2 - 天地之間       





且夫天地之間物各有主  苟非吾之所有 雖一毫莫取

惟江上之清風與山間之明月 耳得之而為聱 且遇之而為色

取之無禁 用之上不竭 是造物者之無盡藏也 而吾與子之所共適.

Between heaven and earth, everything has it rightful owner. I will not take even an iota of something that does not belong to me.  

But the breeze over a river may become music as it rustles in our ears and the radiant moon between the mountain may from vision to our eyes.

These are the creator's inexhaustible which both you and I can enjoy.  


 草書 - 蔡正雄 (karl Tsai) 

玉田地網站: www.ag168.com/  訂報信箱: rdai@ms1.hinet.net
